The members of the association active all over the world are

- Companies directly linked or related to the Vieille- Montagne company and metallurgical companies linked to zinc, to other non-ferrous metal and to metal in general
- Associations which have a direct link (ex : MVM in Kelmis, MMIL in Liège) or indirect (international network of metallurgical museums) with the Vieille-Montagne company
- Individuals, former employees, sympathizers and experts often involved in the development of a Vieille-Montagne site and looking to save its memory for the local community

Museum Vieille Montagne
Experience the fascinating history of a small area that was coveted for its mineral resources. The fate of Kelmis is inextricably linked with calamine, an ore which has been mined there for centuries. The production of zinc, a new material of the 19th century, takes it into an industrial dimension. The museum presents this adventure in the authentic setting of the Vieille-Montagne management building, which dominates the former mining site. Discover a unique political and social experiment that has been carried out here for 103 years: Neutral Moresnet.
Adress : Route de Liège – Lüttischer strasse 278, B-4720 La Calamine.
Phone : +32 (0)87 65 75 04
Email :
Website :
Our museum introduces to the steel and industrial heritage in a real old factory dating back to 1845. Discover the industrial past of Liège and travel through time… in the heart of a place that has witnessed intense industrial activity for years.
Relive 4 centuries of industrial adventures with real treasures from the technical heritage: the old forge, the steam-engine of Ambresin, Gramme’s dynamo and so many other tools and engines put in dialogue with objects and masterpieces.
Dive into the roots of the industrial revolution on the continent with the adventure of iron and zinc in Liège. You will find pieces of information about the development of the zinc industry, a little known chapter in our industrial history. Come and discover the history of Dony, the company “Vieille-Montagne”, but also Napoleon’s exceptional zinc bath.
Address : Boulevard Raymond Poincaré 17 – 4020 Liège
Phone : 04 342 65 63
Email :
LVR Industrial Museum Zinkfabrik Altenberg
In 1984 the Landschaftsverband Rheinland (Regional Authority of the Rhineland) founded the Rheinisches Industriemuseum (Industrial Museum of the Rhineland) to preserve outstanding monuments of the industrial age in the region. Today the LVR Industrial Museum presents the history of industry, labour and every day life at seven authentic historic sites.
One of these historic industrial facilities is the Zinkfabrik Altenberg (Altenberg Zinc Works) in Oberhausen, Altenberg being the German word for Vieille Montagne. In 1854 the VM founded the rolling mill and zinc roasting plant at the Oberhausen railway station. In the early 20th century the ensemble of buildings obtained its present shape. The Altenberg rolling mill was finally closed down in 1981.
After long disputes about the future of this exceptional industrial monument it turned into a socio-cultural center and industrial museum. 1997 the first permanent exhibition in the former rolling hall opened up.
Currently the museum undergoes massiv reconstruction and restauration. Expectedly the new exhibition will open in 2024.
Website :
Blog :

sitesH is an association located in the center of Wallonia which makes its expertise available to carry out historical studies in the environmental and heritage fields.
It also carries out courses for children and training for adults in the field of nature education. In addition, sites_H promotes initiatives related to the practice of cycling for the purposes of
professional mobility or travel.
Adress : rue du Mauvais Tri, 7 – 5020 Malonne
Phone : 0032(0)498 77 41 80
Email :
Website :
VMZINC, a leading specialist in innovative zinc solutions for building envelopes, with a large network all over the world.
VMZINC is the international brand name of rolled zinc products manufactured and sold by VM Building Solutions, which is specialized in materials technology. The products are quite exclusively produced in France, except some accessories which are produced in Germany, Slovakia and Switzerland.
The brand at the origins of rolled zinc, succeeded in constantly developing its offer of products,solutions, services and surface aspects. A culture of innovation, combined with incomparable know-how and the natural properties of zinc.
VMZINC is present on the market of rolled zinc for more than 180 years, in more than 26 countries all over the world. Our teams will do their upmost to answer your questions, accompany you in yourprojects.
Adress Headquarters : VM Building Solutions – Tour Altaïs, 3 Place Aimé Césaire – 93100 Montreuil – France
Phone : 01 49 72 42 42
Email :
Website :

Association for the Valorization of Business Archives
An efficient team of qualified archivist-historians
AVAE (Association for the Valorization of Business Archives), which has the status of non-profit organization, was born in 1985 from a joint initiative of private sector companies and the Archives Générales du Royaume (AGR).
Our links with the AGRs are structural: our offices are located at the headquarters of this institution and our inventories are carried out according to ISADG standards.
We are interested in the archives of the main actors of the business world: companies, individuals who have played an important role in the business world, professional groups, employers’ unions…
Our missions
To promote the sound management of the archives of industrial, financial and commercial enterprises and individuals associated with the life of these enterprises
Avoid the loss, destruction or dispersion of a heritage essential to the understanding of the country’s economic and social history
Promote the use and enhancement of these archives
Encourage the development, publication and dissemination of inventories that open these archives to research, as well as studies related to archives and corporate history.
Adress : AVAE – VVBA – Rue de Ruysbroek 2 – 1000 Bruxelles
Phone : + 32 477 75 25 55 or +32 477 70 25 39
Email :

KELMIS 1871 : local history association
Railway exhibition
The first international railway line, opened in 1843, ran through the Herbesthal station on the Belgian-Prussian border. Today, travelers can still travel between Aachen (D) and Welkenraedt (B) by train.
A second link connected the zinc and lead industry, which flourished in the region in the 19th century, to the growing railway network: the line 39 connected Welkenraedt to Germany via Plombières (B).
The single-track section 39B, opened in 1871, was used to reach Altenberg (Moresnet-Neutre), where it ends in a cul-de-sac.
To serve as the station manager’s office, the SA Vieille-Montagne provides a small industrial building, located on the rue de Liège/Lüttischer strasse adjacent to the Maison Directoriale. This building served as La Calamine station until 1952, when the line was closed.
Today, the local history association KELMIS 1871 presents an exhibition on the cross-border railway network and nearby stations.
Adress : Route de Liège/ Lütticher Strasse 278, B-4720 Kelmis
Phone : +32 (0)87 65 75 04